Peer Reviews

CHARM's Developmental Core offers 4 types of peer reviews:

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  • Concept Peer Reviews

    CHARM provides users the opportunity to receive feedback on an aims page under development to evaluate the key aspects of significance and innovation in early stages of the grant proposal process. Concept peer reviews will include up to 3 reviewers and are scheduled for 1 hour. It may take up to 3 weeks to schedule a review therefore we encourage users to submit a request early in the grant-writing process. Initial requests must include:

    • Name, institutional/departmental affiliation, email and phone number of PI
    • A brief summary of the proposal (e.g., Project Summary/Abstract)
    • RFA/PA # and web address (as applicable)
    • (Optional) Name, email address and phone number for up to 2 recommended reviewers
      • No more than 1 reviewer may be external (i.e., not affiliated with UM)
      • We encourage PIs to notify their recommended reviewers in advance of the request
    • (Optional) Name, email address, and phone number for 1 additional person (e.g., co-PI, co-investigator, research assistant) who would like to attend

    The aims page must be sent to at least 10 calendar days before the date of the concept peer review. Additionally, the PI may submit a list of questions for discussion during the review.

  • Full Peer Reviews

    CHARM organizes mock review meetings of grant proposals prior to submission. NIH scoring and written critiques are provided. Full peer review meetings a) include up to 3 reviewers and 1 member of the CHARM Community Advisory Board, b) are scheduled approximately 4 weeks in advance of an NIH AIDS application deadline, and c) are up to 1 hour per application. Materials for the full peer review must be sent to CHARM in advance of the review meeting. Junior faculty should schedule a Concept Peer Review in advance of a Full Peer Review. The schedule for full peer reviews for NIH AIDS deadline applications follows.

    NIH AIDS Application Deadline Deadline to Submit Request to CHARM Grant Sections Due to CHARM Peer Review Meeting Date (2 hour meeting)
    May 7, 2024 Friday, March 15, 2024 Friday, March 22, 2024 Friday, April 5, 2024
    September 7, 2024 Friday, July 19, 2024 Friday, July 26, 2024 Friday, August 9, 2024
    January 7, 2025 Friday, November 15, 2024 Friday, November 22, 2024 Friday, December 6, 2024

    Initial requests must include:

    • Name, institutional/departmental affiliation, email and phone number of PI
    • Project Summary/Abstract, Specific Aims, and Biosketch for PI (drafts are acceptable)
    • RFA/PA # and web address (as applicable)
    • (Optional) Name, email address and phone number for up to 2 recommended reviewers
      • No more than 1 reviewer may be external (i.e., not affiliated with UM)
      • We encourage PIs to notify their recommended reviewers in advance of the request and share the date and time of the full peer review
    • (Optional) Name, email address, and phone number for 1 additional person (e.g., co-PI, co-investigator, research assistant) who would like to attend

    The following sections must be sent to in 1 email by the appropriate deadline (see “Grant Sections Due” above):

    • Project Summary/Abstract (if changes were made since initial submission)
    • Project Narrative
    • Specific Aims (if changes were made since initial submission)
    • Biosketch for PI (if changes were made since initial submission)
    • Research Strategy
    • Protection of Human Subjects
    • Inclusion of Women and Minorities
    • Inclusion Across the Lifespan
    • Planned Enrollment Table(s)
    • Other sections may be requested depending on the type of NIH grant
    • Other sections the PI would like reviewed
    • List of questions for the reviewers and/or comments as to which sections the PI would like additional assistance with


    Full peer reviews are also available for non-NIH AIDS applications. To initiate the peer review process for a non-NIH AIDS application, please submit a request for a full peer review and provide the following information at least 10 weeks before the grant deadline:

    • Name, institutional/departmental affiliation, email and phone number of PI
    • A brief summary of the proposal (e.g., abstract)
    • RFA/PA # and web address (as applicable)
    • (Optional) Name, email address and phone number for up to 2 recommended reviewers
      • No more than 1 reviewer may be external (i.e., not affiliated with UM)
      • We encourage PIs to notify their recommended reviewers in advance of the request
    • (Optional) Name, email address, and phone number for 1 additional person (e.g., co-PI, co-investigator, research assistant) who would like to attend

    Please plan to have most major sections of your grant ready for distribution to the reviewers by no later than 8 weeks before the grant deadline.

  • Summary Statement Reviews

    CHARM will provide users with the opportunity to receive assistance in analyzing summary statements to determine how best to pursue the research questions in a resubmission. Summary statement reviews will have up to 2 reviewers and will be up to 1-hour.  If the PI plans to resubmit the grant by a specific deadline, a request for a summary statement review must be received no later than 60 days before the deadline. All initial requests for a summary statement review must include the following:

    • Name, institutional/departmental affiliation, email and phone number of PI
    • Summary statement
      • PIs are encouraged to specify which areas they need assistance with and/or share specific questions they have
    • Full grant application (please exclude budget)
    • RFA/PA # and web address (as applicable)
    • Deadline for submission (as applicable)
    • (Optional) Name, email address and phone number for up to 1 recommended reviewer
      • We encourage PIs to notify their recommended reviewer in advance of the request
    • (Optional) Name, email address, and phone number for 1 additional person (e.g., co-PI, co-investigator, research assistant) who would like to attend

  • Manuscript Pre-Reviews

    CHARM will provide feedback on a manuscript as it nears submission to increase the likelihood of acceptance. Manuscript reviews will have up to 2 reviewers and will be up to 1-hour.  Written critiques will be provided. All initial requests for a manuscript pre-review must include the following:

    • Name, institutional/departmental affiliation, email and phone number of corresponding author
    • Abstract (a draft is acceptable)
    • Target journal(s) and other relevant information (e.g., instructions for a special issue)
    • (Optional) Name, email address and phone number for up to 1 recommended reviewer
      • We encourage corresponding authors to notify their recommended reviewer in advance of the request
    • (Optional) Name, email address, and phone number for 1 additional person (e.g., co-author, research assistant) who would like to attend

    The draft of the manuscript should be sent to at least 3 weeks before the date of the manuscript pre-review meeting. Deadlines may be adjusted upon request.
