Administrative Core | CHARM | University of Miami

Administrative Core

The Administrative Core provides scientific and programmatic leadership, management, strategic/fiscal management for the Center. This Core plays a major role in facilitating cross-Core activities to ensure synergy across Cores and liaising with other resources at the University of Miami.

This Core is led by Steven Safren, PhD (Director), Daniel Feaster, PhD and Deborah Jones Weiss, PhD (Co-Directors).

Admin Core Flyer


Core Leadership

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Core-Related Activities, Resources and Links

Research in Progress meetings: Click here for information about presenting at a Research in Progress meeting. If you are interested in presenting at a Research in Progress meeting, submit a request to the Admin Core via our Research Navigation Portal.

Recently Completed Activities

CHARM leads a monthly meeting with the Directors of all NIMH ARCs, organizes our annual ESAB meeting, and leads strategic planning for the Center. The Administrative Core recently onboarded our new Community Consultant, Jasmine McKenzie, and is currently searching for a second Community Consultant. 

Click here to see CHARM’s recent events, including several Administrative Core events.
